
Article Spotlight
Reading Motivation: What The Research Says
Reading Rockets
Our Key Highlights Based on the Original Article from Reading Rockets
Studies confirm that motivation is key for positive reading experiences and outcomes. To best support that motivation, we must consider the research available on fostering reader engagement in the classroom.
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Key Takeaways:

Researchers have identified five key factors that play in important role in developing reading motivation in students. Their studies show that by focusing on these factors in the classroom, teachers are able to promote more engaged, positive reading associations. These factors are as follows:

  • Student self-concept : the beliefs student's have about their own abilities, which in turn the choices they make and the effort they decide to put forth
  • Choice: allowing students control over the reading materials and literacy tasks
  • Read aloud and discussion: teachers modeling reading behaviors and strategies, and increasing student opportunity to take an active role in learning and understanding texts
  • Balanced book collections: providing a variety of genres, to include non-traditional books (magazines, comic books, etc.)
  • Incentives for reading: provide reading related awards for completed literary tasks: for example, free books or increased library time
Some simple but transformative suggestions for developing reader motivation include "honoring" books for self-selection, sharing the excitement of read-aloud, building a balanced book collection, making your passions public, and providing rewards that demonstrate the value of reading.
Some simple but transformative suggestions for developing reader motivation include "honoring" books for self-selection, sharing the excitement of read-aloud, building a balanced book collection, making your passions public, and providing rewards that demonstrate the value of reading.