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Former Storyshares Contest Winner: Pius Agbangbatin

As we celebrate the launch of the Storyshares 2024 Writing Contest, we’re thrilled to shine the spotlight on some of our brilliant former winners.

Let’s hear from a 2021 winner, Pius Agbangbatin.

Where do you live? Benin

What year did you win the Storyshares writing contest? 2021

Tell us about your book. The book titled "Born in Danger" tells the story of Dulani, a young albino from Malawi who grows up to realize the prejudice and threat attached to albinism. He understands through his own and others' experiences that people with albinism are denied the respect and rights all human beings are entitled to.

How did you find out about the contest? I found out about it while googling contests.

What gave you the idea for your story? I'm quite aware of the hardships that people with albinism are faced with in a few African countries, so I thought using a story to depict that situation could be a way to help things change.

What made you want to participate in the contest? I needed a platform to gauge my writing style and the right opportunity presented itself through the Storyshares contest.

How has your life changed since winning the Storyshares contest? Apart from the 2021 award, I have also won the opportunity to write children's stories for Storyshares, and it's been an enriching experience so far.

Pius’s award-winning book Born in Danger is a perfect fit for striving high school readers. Explore this compelling title in our eLibrary, along with several other captivating books written by Pius.